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All About Golf Coast Golf Courses and Packages
If you are a golf enthusiast and you have not visited Gold coast golf courses, then you have certainly missed something. There are several golf courses here. Some of them are discussed below.Robina Woods: This golf course is a six thousand and seventy eight hundred meter long course. It was designed by the famous designers Graham Marsh and Ross Watson. It was opened for playing in the year 1989. It also features among top 30 Australian courses. This golf course has been carved out of the sixty five acres of native woodlands. The golf course looks absolutely exquisite with gum trees towering all along the fairways. The layout of this golf course is absolutely unique and different from any other golf course anywhere. It is absolutely water proof and is open for playing all the year round.The Glades: Take a golf trip to this golf course. It is a six thousand four hundred and twenty meter long course built on sixty five acres of land. It was designed by the Golf Champion Greg Norman. It boasts of a superb agronomy that is difficult to get anywhere else. The grass of this course has a tropical bent which has been specially developed by the designer himself. The grass has a superior putting surface all the year round.Brooke Water: This golf course is built amidst the lush green Australian bushland. It is built in the classic Norman style. The natural surroundings have not been disturbed much. Instead the designing has been done in such a way that the entire natural flora and the waterway have become a part of the golf course in a spectacular way. The landscaping and the varied terrain of the golf course make it stand out among all the Australian Golf courses.Hop Islands: This golf course has been designed by the famous designer Peter Thompson. It has been ranked number one golf course in Australia by two leading Golf magazines of Australia. The golf course has beautiful fairways which seem to be rising and falling. The bunkers look so natural as if they have been created by the wind and the rain.Gold coast golf packages: There are several websites which provide great golf packages. You can search these websites and find out if they provide packages for Golf coast Golf tours. There are several advantages of going for golf packages. Some of them are listed below.1. They will reserve a tee time around the same time as requested by you.
2. They will book holes of golf, motorized car, green fees as well as daily transport.
3. They will provide you with secure storage for all your clubs during the whole duration of your trip.Accommodation: These packages will include booking of accommodation. The service providers ensure that you get an accommodation near to the place where all the action is.These packages include personalized service. They will modify the package as per your requirements. So, what are you waiting for? Avail these packages for a superb golfing experience on world’s best golf courses.
New Health Care System: A New Path
This is article 2 of 1212 of the most important aspects of the new health care information systemWe have been discussing a completely new national medical information system set up solely in the best interest of the public and the individual that would completely change health care as we know it today. Compared to the present high levels of disease the degree and type of results we are discussing in the proposed system seem almost unreal. A major reason for such radical change is that computer technology, as applied to preventative medicine, has been effectively bypassed for the past several years. Technology is now in the position to provide for a very rapid ketch-up in that area. We will likely see dramatic advancements in preventative medicine as seen in the 70s and 80s when electronics was first applied to the health care field, primarily in machines and tools–such as cat–scans and operating tools and similar equipment.The core of the new health care system is based on clinical laboratory science (CLS) data. CLS and its critical relationship to the biochemical makeup of the human body and the great advantages that entails, providing an ideal mechanism on which to base a health care information system. Details of CLS and the bio-chemical makeup of the human body were discussed in the article titled “Your Health Care System: Critical Technology Sidetracked”. For more information directly from the professionals of this valuable relationship click on the (18) link at the end of this article.So when one decided that a large scale health care information system based on CLS is ideal, design-wise where do you go from there? Just how could such a system be designed to fully harness all of that vital health data. How do you convert that health information into improved human health–more specifically improved levels of wellness, and decreased levels of disease? Obviously it would require the use of the computer with some form of special data processing. The system would need the capacity to evaluate human health levels in general, relate those health levels in turn to an individual’s health condition, to one’s personal environment, and in turn relate that data to millions of other individual’s results. This would be massive amounts of data requiring supercomputers.The system that has been designed uses a powerful national research center that works in conjunction with 50 state diagnostic computer systems which you as an individual or a patient, would have access to. You could tap into the state diagnostic system with the use of a large profile pattern of clinical laboratory test results (likely 100 separate tests from one blood sample). It would provide you an extremely extensive health analysis as well as a means of intervention at levels almost unbelievable compared to today’s limitations. In fact it would be so outstanding that at first it would likely seem more like science fiction than reality.This is a highly sophisticated medical information system intentionally designed around the sole interests of the public and the individual, not the medical industry. Because of its effectiveness in the radical reduction in disease levels and its related reduction in health care costs, it would very unlikely ever receive any support from the medical industry. In fact, for the sake of both its effectiveness and integrity, the new system would need to be legislated in existence and controlled by the public through a public commission.It becomes obvious that for such a system to be successful it needs the strong support of the constituency it represents–you. If that support does not come it very likely will just die a slow death, and as a result we will have to live with the limitations of the present health care system–likely for decades to come.Anyone that carefully takes the time to look into the details of the proposed information system, observe what it’s based on, how it goes about correlating the public and the individual’s health and environmental data, it become apparent that such a system would almost have to be successful. It would only vary in the detail as to its results.