There are many network marketing that one can sign up with and achieve success. But in order to have success, you must either already have skills or you need to join a company that will give you those skills. Trump Network is a fairly new network marketing company and yes, the founder is Donald Trump himself. But what does Trump network have to offer and will it offer the kinds of trainings you need to acquire success within the company? This is my question.My goal here today is impart to you some insight on Trump Network. I also wanted to see for myself what the company has, but more importantly, I want to see the kinds of trainings Trump Network has to offer the newbies in the company and whether it is going to be the kind of training that will be sufficient enough to allow anyone to generate leads and earn a lucrative income.First,, for those who don’t know, Trump Network is the new name of the network marketing company owned by Donald Trump. Mr. Donald Trump became owner of Ideal Health and launched it under his name in October 2009.Now, the first thing I looked at was the compensation plan. Essentially, to get started, Trump Network has what is called the “FastStart Way”. It costs $497.00. After making your payment, you will are given various products, coupons, a business kit, marketer kit, and some kind of communication program. In order to enjoy the full compensation, it is essential that you signup for an autoship of at least 100 CV, which cost you around $129.20 monthly.For every person you recruit into the Trump Network mlm company, you receive $100.00. Not bad. I have seen companies pay only $50.00 for this, so this is a plus to me.Other ways of earning in Trump Network are as follows:1. Get paid on all of the sales that the new people who join your business anywhere in your 7 levels.
2. There is also weekly bonuses.
3. There is Exceptional bonus potentials
4. There is weekly Fast Start bonuses.Thus, in other words,, you have your standard compensation plan.But, initially my goal was to determine the kind of training offered to its members by Trump Network. Upon more research, this is what I found. There are a number of tools that can be used to help with your business. They are:1. Trump Network Dual/Disc presentation that you hand out 2. Internet webinars, where you can invite other people 3. Personalized website that every new marketer receives.All in all, the tools and trainings provided by, the Trump Network network marketing company, teaches you to use primarily offline marketing. You are taught how implement presentations using the various products, tools like the cd’s, and word of mouth. By talking to as many people as you can, you can invite them to your web site and/or incite your prospect to a presentation, i.e. a webinar.I am familiar with this kind of marketing it does work, but my experience is,unless you are comfortable with talking to people and you either possess the sales skills or you have a large list of people that you can talk to, trying to build a business using these offline marketing strategies will require a lot of work. You will also deal with a lot of rejection and the a poor attrition rate.. But, by all means try using these methods and determine how well it works for you. Possibly, you could be one of the few who does well.I imagine the Trump Network offers a great business opportunity. It has products that are consummable, which allows for reorders from customers. It also has a compensation plan that allows one to move through the various levels and as you move up, of course you make more money. It looks as if you can create a significant income with Trump Network. Many members will make a lot of money, specifically in the early stages of development in Trump Network. But, unfortunately, there is no indication of how well, or how long, this company will endure.The one trouble that I do see that has happened often in the MLM industry is that many individuals are inclined to not to take their business serious. Trump Network , alone is not going to make you rich. It will require a lot of effort and it is how hard you are willing to work that is will determine your success. In addition, the marketing methods imparted will also determine your success. The trainings given is Trump Network’s weakness.First of all, keep in mine, Trump Network is a new company. There have been many new network marketing companies that have started and are presently, nowhere to be found. If Trump Network is not a successful business, then a lot of distributors in Trump Network will be back where they started, unhappy, broke and either looking for a new business opportunity or have given up their network marketing dreams.To experience success in a home business, you do not want to be dependent on some company. You want to rely on yourself. This means you need to be branding “YOU” and not some business. In saying this, there are essentially four things network marketers need to put into place in order to put themselves in a position of success. It is all about how you market yourself.Here are the things you need to drastically increase your chances of success in any network marketing company, not just Trump Network.1. Brand “YOU”:Network marketing is a people business, which means people join people, not businesses. In essence, they aspire to follow a leader who can show them what to do to become successful in their business and YOU should be that leader.2. Marketing Training:You need some kind of training system or some form of system that can train you cutting edge marketing strategies for both online and offline marketing. You need to spend time investing in yourself skills that will benefit you to grow your business and learn how to sell your most important asset, which is YOU.3. Using the Internet:”Old School” marketing methods, like the ones the Trump Network primarily teaches, work, but not quite as well as the style of marketing you can perform on the internet. The sooner you achieve this the better. The internet is a compelling tool. It can be used to explode your business. The tools and leverage given by the internet can assist you to decrease the time and effort spent increasing and developing your business.4. Use A System:Why? Systems Work! You need some kind of lead generation system to help you expand your business. It should be a system that provides trainings on how to efficiently promote your business. It should also impart a sales funnel, which will assist you to create an earnings, even if no one signs up with you in your opportunity. You don’t want to depend on your opportunity for income.The MLM industry is hard and it is going to be much more difficult for you if don’t use smart business practices. Unless you have a lot of money, it is best to have an alternative means of generating an income so you don’t stay broke while you are building your business. Implementing a sales funnel will aid in you staying in the game of the network marketing arena.By using these four steps, you will definitely get results. What I discussed is precisely what the top earners are doing to develop their business. They use similar methods and motivate themselves to push more until they create results. You should do the same.